Students Admission

Admission requirements:
- First:
The student must be among the top 15% in the overall ranking of those who passed the high school exam - the scientific stream in the current academic year. This condition must be fulfilled this year if his total marks during the first session reached (2244 out of 2400) or (2270 out of 2400) in the second session after folding the degree of religious education and one of the two foreign languages.
Students who are in the top 15% in high school - the scientific stream for the previous academic year and who achieved at least in the first session (2243 out of 2400) or (2271 out of 2400) in the second session after folding the degree of religious education and one of the two foreign languages can also apply for this year’s higher institute selection.
- Second:
Applicants from the current and previous high school academic year are subject to written tests in some of the subjects specified by the higher institute’s statute (such as mathematics, physics...) from the scientific secondary curriculum, and students are arranged according to a special comparison in which the high school grade is considered in addition to their grades in those subjects.
- Third:
Top students are accepted according to the results in accordance with the available capacity at the Higher Institute.
- Syrian Scientific Olympiad students who hold a high school diploma - scientific branch in the current academic year or the previous academic year are eligible to apply HIAST according to the above mentioned admission procedure.
- Graduates of the National Center for Distinction from the current or previous academic year are eligible to apply to HIAST, and applicants are also subject to the written tests.

Study category:
- The first category: Students financed by HIAST and the provisions of scholarships applicable therein apply to them. They receive salaries during their studies and are committed to service for twice the period of study.
- The second category: Students financed by public institutions and the provisions of scholarships applicable therein apply to them.
- The third category: Self-financed students who are not delegated to any governmental institution. The student pays an annual study fees of 3,000,000/SP ( three million Syrian pounds for each year of study).

Special exemptions:
- The top ten students in high school - the scientific branch - from the third category are exempted from tuition fees for the duration of their successful studies at HIAST. This exemption ends upon the first failure and until the end of their studies at HIAST.
- The remaining students of the third category of the top 100 in the secondary school - scientific branch are exempted from paying tuition and fees for their studies for the first year only.